How to Exclude a User or Computer from Group Policy Object

When you apply a group policy on a container or OU, it applies on all users or computers in that container. However, you can exclude a single or multiple users or containers from the policy applied. This tutorial is written to show you how to exclude

Exclude a user from group policy object

Step 1. Open server manager dashboard. Click Tools -> Group policy management

Step 2. In the group policy management editor, open the group policy object you want to apply an exception on (Located in Group Policy Objects).

Step 3. Click Delegation tab -> Advanced

Delegation advanced settings

Step 4. Click Add and choose the user whom you want to exclude from group policy enforcement.

Step 5. Choose the user you entered in step 4.

Step 6. Locate Apply group policy in permissions and check mark deny.

Apply policy and group permissions

Step 7. Click Apply and then OK.

Step 8. Link the group policy to a container or OU (If you haven't done already).

Step 9. Execute gpupdate on the powershell.